Google Developers Conference India

story | storyboard | 3D design | animation | lighting | rendering | editing

At Google Developer Studio, we handled developer outreach.

Most of that was working directly with engineers and helping users and developers to understand their products, but we also handled events such as Google I/O.

Google was planning their first large event in India (would be the equivalent of Google I/O) and our team was brought in create the live event media elements.

My job was to create the animation for the the opening event and keynote.

GDD Opening Animation

Google Developer Days 2017 was the largest global event Google has ever hosted in India and the animation kicked things off on the main stage on a 40×10 foot screen.

The project brought with it a hard deadline, multiple stakeholders at every level, multiple rounds of storyboarding, and high quality 3D renders.

For a comprehensive breakdown of this project (and lots others), please reach out!